Sunday, January 25, 2015

On Food - His list is shorter

Paul is reading aloud an article online that details the food banned in other countries, food that is still available for consumption in the United States.  And I sigh.  I am reminded of all of the food I can not eat and wonder who makes these decisions to allow us to buy and eat until proven toxic?

When Paul and I first began our correspondence with one another, I had no idea that we'd eventually log over 6000 minutes of phone conversation before we ever met.  Part of our discussions included an introduction to my list of safe foods and how I try and manage food issues while dining out.  We talked a great deal about our plans to travel together stateside and overseas.

As newlyweds, we put about 7000 miles behind us traveling by Subaru from Virginia to Maine, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah.   Not a bad start.  We've been traveling just over half of the time we've been married.

It's just as easy as it sounds.  Load up the car, travel across America, and stop at a restaurant to eat.  The server will take the list of foods we can't eat back to the chef, the chef will take all possible care to prepare and plate the food, and we'll have a symptom free journey.

Sort of.

Paul has a few food intolerances of his own.   He was gracious enough to agree to eating, in general, from the same list of foods that I can eat.   When we dine out, I encourage him to live a little.   It's simpler for him when he orders from the menu, as he can state 'hold the bell peppers' and enjoy what is served.

The trouble is, the menu isn't always clear.  For example, Paul ordered Teriyaki Steak and Seafood with vegetables.  The presentation of the food was beautiful, and the mixed vegetables were broccoli, with vibrant red, yellow, and green peppers.  It looked, and smelled, delicious.

Bell peppers of any color, paprika, and most curries don't agree with Paul.  Fortunately, he can move the offending items to the side without any cross contamination.   I love bell peppers.  The soy sauce is on my restricted list, so there they sat on the side of his plate, daring me to take just one bite.  I didn't.  I wanted to.

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