Saturday, January 24, 2015

Creating a New Life and a New Blog

In November 2014 Kelly and Paul got married. Before we ever knew each other, we both had been considering downsizing our homes and moving. Kelly and I corresponded by email and phone, met, and got married, yes in that order. Now we have twice the stuff to downsize. We have two homes, three cars, two motorcycles, abundant kitchen dishes, glasses, and appliances. We are also book lovers and have libraries to downsize. We are now at Kelly's home and working to downsize and sell her home. We hope to document the process and also discuss books and travel. Kelly has many food intolerences, so she will write about her challenges to alter recipes and finding restaurants that will work with her.


Anonymous said...

We've chosen to downsize as well. We often donate books, CDs, DVDs, dishes and small pieces of furniture (all in very good shape) to Goodwill. That way someone else can enjoy them. It makes us feel good to recycle some of the belongings we no longer use or have room for...Jukebox Dave

Over50Cycling said...

Yes, we will be doing the donation thing as well. We will sell what we can, give to friends, donate to charitable organizations, and toss. Someone recommended that we visit some thrift stores. If it is in a thrift store already, then it probably isn't wanted and should be a straight donation or toss.