Sunday, January 10, 2016

Attempting Cinnamon Rolls -

Yesterday I tried a recipe for cinnamon rolls that I found online.

Naturally the original recipe called for eggs and butter, two ingredients that cause me digestive distress, so I used substitutes.

The rolls turned out 'okay'.  That means we ate them, and had a second one. We critiqued this first batch as we nibbled, and thought up possibilities for improving the next batch.

This photo shows one cinnamon roll, halved.

First Attempt Recipe ~ with notes on what I will try Next Time

Wet ingredients:

2T Coconut Oil - either cut in half or eliminate altogether, or use Ghee/Earth Balance soy free margarine
1 T Chia mixed with 1 T goat milk yogurt and 2 T oat milk - set aside for 15 minutes to congeal (grind the 1T of Chia in a spice or coffee grinder before adding to wet ingredients to reduce seed stuck in teeth syndrome)
1T honey (light clover honey)
2 tsp vanilla extract

Dry Ingredients:  Blend first, then fold into wet ingredients, dough will be stiff

1 1/2 C Almond Flour
2 T coconut flour (try GF AP Flour?)
1 tsp baking soda
pinch of salt

Take two long sheets of wax paper and place one flat on the counter.
Put dough into center of wax paper and put second sheet of wax paper on top.
Roll the dough evenly between the wax paper until you have a nice rectangular shape between the two sheets.
Remove top sheet of wax paper and spread the filling from the center out toward the edges, or evenly distribute in loose crumbles
Gently roll the wax paper to lift and move the dough forward to form a swiss or jelly roll
Wrap waxed paper filled roll in a kitchen towel and freeze overnight if possible, or 20 minutes until firm if baking the same day

Filling mixed in food chopper/processor

4 dates pitted
1/4 Cup dark rum soaked dark raisins (soak raisins days ahead of time for best results, or quick soak by pouring boiling water over raisins, then let set in water for 10 minutes and drain)
1/2 Cup toasted pine nuts
1 T roasted cinnamon
dash of salt

Spread evenly onto rolled dough and freeze

When ready to bake, preheat oven to 325

Slice log into 9 or ten rolls, reshape as needed.


2T coconut oil - use soft soy free Earth balance instead, or eliminate and use more ghee
3T Ghee
2 tsp vanilla extract (use clear vanilla if you don't want tan colored frosting)
1 cup sifted confectioners sugar

This made MORE than enough glaze, so I was generous spreading the glaze over the rolls.  Halving this would be sensible for the waistline in the long run.

This made nine cinnamon rolls.

What I would do differently:

Use less oil or no coconut oil or substitute Earth Balance soy free margarine.  The rolls seemed too oily and crumbly.

Try the addition of some xanthan gum, maybe 1/4 tsp blended with the almond flour before mixing in wet ingredients.  Hoping for more cohesive final product.

Freeze the roll a bit longer, and try cutting the rolls with dental floss instead of a knife which tended to flatten the rolls

Cut a slightly narrower roll.  I like even numbers when the rolls come out of the oven.  Of course I could always eat one....

Sprinkle cinnamon on the dough instead of incorporating it into the date/raisin/pine nut mixture in the food processor

Try with just raisins, and try agave or maple syrup in place of the honey.

I'm always happy when the attempt is edible.  I'm even happier when Paul enjoys the food with me.

These cinnamon rolls could become a go to travel food, baked ahead of time and packed ready to eat. The dough can be frozen and then baked when we get to where we are going.  I will see how the next batch improves, and try freezing half the batch.  To be continued....

Update number One:  A night in the refrigerator helped these cinnamon rolls set up nicely.  Paul and I split one for dessert.  What a difference a day makes.  Gluten free baked goods often require additional set up time.  We agree that the rolls are better after a day in the fridge, and that we will still give the suggested changes a try next go around.

The original recipe can be found on, Sticky, Ooey, Gooey Paleo Cinnamon Rolls by Rebecca Bohl in Baking

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