Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Measuring Progress

When I sit down in front of the computer each morning, I mentally take note of what I've accomplished toward the goal of downsizing since yesterday, then I plan what I'd like to tackle today.  I also take time to read online what others have done or are doing to keep the wheels turning.   Paul and I sit at the breakfast table and talk over our plans for travel, and I let him know where his manly manly moving skills can best be used for the morning.

Today begins the second Tuesday since we returned from our extended travel.  The sense of being integrated into a routine is beginning to establish itself.

Here's a basic outline of categories I use to help me maintain a sense of progress.  Each day I begin with a new category, and what I believe will require the most decision making.  I find the later in the day, the more difficult it is for me to be clearly decisive, so the rough and tough stuff gets attention straight after breakfast.

1.  Paperwork.  Past, Present, and File for the Future.
The evidence of accomplishment shows itself in the copier paper sized box of documents that require shredding.  It's satisfying to see this measure of progress, as this is my least favored area to address.

2.  Clothing.   What do I still wear, stays.  What can I sell (Harley Davidson Leather Jackets!), what can I give away (silk pants and skirts from 20 years ago!), and what a relief to have all of this room in the closet again.  I still can't decide what to do with my collection of sarongs, which I adore wearing around the house in the heat of summer.  

3.  Housewares.  As we will be living here until the house is listed for sale, I am essentially going through one cupboard a day to cull through the items not used in a year or more for now.   I am asking family members to let me know what they want once we empty the cupboards for good.  I am mentally deciding what goes into storage and what is given to some one else's kitchen.

4.  Furniture.   We'll be using most of the furniture until mid march.  I believe we have homes or buyers for a good portion of the big furniture already.  What we don't sell, we will donate.  Somedays I want to put a sticky note on each item and it's destination, as I worry I've promised the same thing to more than one person!

5.  Vehicles.  State inspections, repairs, paperwork in order.   Dust off for a photograph and post online.  The motorcycles will likely sell easier once the weather warms up.  We haven't yet decided when or if to list the second car.   We will likely list the Mustang once Tax Returns start coming in for the local area.

6.  Books, Boxes, and the other things I haven't unpacked in twenty years.   Taking this one a box at a time.  A box a day is the goal, and an easy goal to relax to one box every other day.  Online sites recommend just keeping the box shut and letting it go.  I've discovered savings bonds, birthday cards with cash, and photos of ancestors, so I will not exercise the option to toss without first exhuming the good stuff.  

Books that were printed on acid paper are yellowed and crumbling, so that's an easy toss away.  The older books from the 1800's and the early 1900's will be tougher to sort through.  Still letting that one roll around for a future decision.  As the books go, the shelves will clear, and I'll feel better about having less.  Paul, are you ready to open the door of the room with no key and take 'before' pictures.  I'm cringing at the thought!  Which is a great reason to start there today!

7.  Relax.  We are retired.  The desire to move before the bugs and humidity of summer are upon us in the state of Virginia remains a prime motivator.  Two mortgages doesn't make financial sense for us, and running two households isn't something we want to do any longer than we have to!

1 comment:

Over50Cycling said...

I'm not sure about the "manly manly moving" skills. However, I will take a picture and update the post.