Thursday, February 26, 2015

Discovered a New Blog

Today's New York Times had a delightful article about two Senior Nomads.  The couple decided to sell a bunch of their possessions, store the rest, and rent out their townhouse.  They have been traveling Europe for almost two years now and use AirBnB to find their rentals.

I just started reading the blog, see link above, and will be interested in seeing how it develops.  My one dislike, is probably one that others will have about this one.  It is difficult to read from oldest to newest.  I'll have to investigate Blogger settings to see if there is a simple way to do that.  For now I clicked on the oldest year, 2013, and then the first month they started posting, June.

Kelly and I will read a month of post each day as incentive for our own downsizing.

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